Learn Spanish with Stories for Beginners

Learn Spanish with Stories for Beginners

Format: PDF, MP3 An Effective Way to Improve Your Spanish Reading and Listening Comprehension Skills This book makes use of simple yet entertaining stories to help you learn Spanish. By covering a diverse range of grammar structures and vocabulary, and supplementing it with audio, you can improve your reading and writing skills, and even practice your listening and pronunciation. Improve Your Listening Skills in Spanish With the help of the audio, you can give your listening skills a boost as well as practice your pronunciation. Recorded by a professional voice talent from Madrid, Spain, the stories are narrated using a standard Spanish voice at a slightly slower speed than how actual Spanish people speak. This will allow beginners and low-intermediate learners to grasp the narration properly. Extra care has also been given to the recording of the audio to ensure a pleasurable listening experience for learners. Learn Useful Vocabulary for Everyday Situations – Movies or cinema – Ordering in a restaurant – Family – Daily routine – Crime and police – Physical description – Vacation/holiday – Seasons/weather – Chores – Quantity The stories are written using a wide range of vocabulary and diverse grammar structures. The carefully selected combination of dialogue and descriptions is especially suited for beginner to low-intermediate level learners. What to Expect from This Book Ten entertaining stories about everyday themes that are short enough to hold your attention, but long enough to make you feel a sense of accomplishment and progress after finishing each one. – A total of 1,000 new Spanish vocabulary words including some colloquial terms spoken in everyday Spanish conversations – Highly improved listening skills in Spanish, thanks to the audio material provided
