Must-Know Italian 4,000 Words That Give You the Power to Communicate

Must-Know Italian 4,000 Words That Give You the Power to Communicate

Format: PDF or Epub or Mobi or Djvu etc. Your search for the right word in Italian is over. Stop hunting blindly through ordinary bilingual dictionaries! With 4,000 words, Must-Know Italian gives you the power to be understood in any situation. You’ll never be at a loss for words again in the classroom il calcolatore (calculator), il, la supplente (substitute teacher) at the office lo stage (internship), la riunione (meeting) talking about the environment la conservazione (conservation), riciclare (recycle) discussing politics la cittadinanza (citizenship), il broglio elettorale (electoral fraud) shopping l(o)’affare (bargain), la cartina del bancomat (ATM card)
