Spanish for Reading
Format: PDF or Epub or Mobi or Djvu etc. A unique approach to Spanish reading comprehension, Spanish for Reading can be used as a textbook supplement in classrooms or by anybody who is teaching himself Spanish. It begins by demonstrating similarities bet…read more
Zertifikat B1 neu – 15 Übungsprüfungen
Format: PDF, MP3 15 komplette Modelltests zu allen Prüfungsteilen
…read moreControverses (3e édition)
Format: PDF or Epub or Mobi or Djvu etc. CONTROVERSES is built around the goals of the National Standards and French thought (including point/counterpoint/synthesis), presents timely and provocative issues that are important to the French and francophone…read more
Milano e dintorni Lingua, arte, cultura A2
Format: PDF, MP3 Alla scoperta della città conosciuta in tutto il mondo per la moda ma non solo. Milano offre sorprendenti meraviglie architettoniche che spaziano dal Medioevo al Rinascimento e oltre, oppure ancora musei dove ammirare i grandi capolavori …read more
The Ultimate Spanish Review and Practice
Format: PDF or Epub or Mobi or Djvu etc. Gain the essential grammar skills needed to communicate more confidently in Spanish! Developing a good grasp of grammar is key to mastering a foreign language. This bestselling guide provides comprehensive covera…read more
Bulles de France
Format: PDF or Epub or Mobi or Djvu etc. À travers 42 planches inédites et authentiques réalisées par un professionnel de la bande dessinée, Bulles de France navigue entre stéréotypes et évolutions des mentalités et raconte des scènes de la vie …read more