Der Spiegel Nachrichtenmagazin Nr.
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Der Spiegel is a German weekly news magazine published in Hamburg. It is one of Europe's largest publications of its kind, with a weekly circulation of 840,000.
Texto, niveau 1 A1, méthode de français
Format: PDF, MP3 Texto est une méthode claire et pragmatique qui motive l’apprenant par un apprentissage actif, à travers des situations quotidiennes, pour communiquer rapidement en français Facile à utiliser, la méthode propose un …read more
Español Sin Fronteras 2
Format: PDF, MP3 This new edition, the skills of reading, writing, oral expression and listening comprehension, basic learning a foreign language, are further developed through challenging and exciting activities. Each volume now features an awareness gap…read more
Percorso Italia A1-A2
Format: PDF, MP3 CONTENUTI Corso multimediale di lingua italiana per stranieri con CD Libro digitale Percorso ITALIA è un corso di lingua italiana per stranieri rivolto a studenti adulti o giovani-adulti che può essere utilizzato sia individualmente, sia…read more
ECOS 2019 03
Format: PDF or Epub or Mobi or Djvu etc. ECOS…read more