Oser l'Encyclopédie Un combat des Lumières
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L'Encyclopédie fut l'ouvrage-phare du Siècle des Lumières. Mais n'est-elle plus, au XXIe siècle, qu'un monument à admirer de loin ? L'objectif de cet ouvrage est de donner envie d…read more
Practising German Grammar (4th ed.)
This new edition of Practising German Grammar provides you with varied and accessible exercises for developing an in-depth and practical awareness of German as it is spoken and written today.
Whether used independently or as the ideal…read more
Collins Easy Learning Spanish Conversation
Format: PDF, MP3 Easy Learning Spanish Conversation is a unique guide to communicating in Spanish. It will help you to find out more about Spanish culture and to practise your spoken Spanish with a free downloadable audio file.is an ideal tool for learner…read more
Nuevo Español en Marcha 4
Format: PDF, MP3 Método de español destinado a estudiantes jóvenes y adultos. Nivel B2 del MCER.Versión actualizada de Español en marcha, con nueva maqueta, nuevas ilustraciones y nuevas fotografías. Adaptado a las directrices del Plan Curricular del Inst…read more
German Vocabulary for Beginners
Format: PDF, MP3 German Vocabulary for Beginners – Listen & Learn to Speak: Start talking, 1000 basic words & phrases in practice, 1000 basic words & phrases at work These audio courses are aimed to break down the speaking barrier and to master the vocabu…read more
Eine kurze Weltgeschichte für junge Leser
Format: PDF or Epub or Mobi or Djvu etc. So fesselnd wie ein Roman, so kenntnisreich wie eine Enzyklopädie: Ernst H. Gombrich, einem der herausragendsten Gelehrten des 20. Jahrhunderts, gelang das Unmögliche, auf 360 Seiten die Geschichte der Menschheit …read more